Ep 2 | Can You Honor Your No Without Needing Validation From Others?

Navigating the complexity of boundaries and the courage to say "no" is a profound journey of self-connection. In this episode, I share my personal reflections on the difficulty of recognizing and honoring the boundaries of my body, particularly when external pressures or past conditioning make it challenging to assert them. I explore the emotional and somatic processes that accompany saying "no" — from the confusion and dissonance of feeling misaligned, to the eventual realization that honoring myself is necessary for genuine connection with others. This conversation invites you to reflect on your own relationship with boundaries, the tension between self-care and caring for others, and how we can learn to trust and align with our inner wisdom.

Ready to take these conversations deeper?

Living the Questions isn’t just about exploring big ideas — it’s about living them. If you’re craving a space to untangle what’s true for you, witness + relate differently with old patterns, and step into a more aligned, embodied way of being, my Rehumanizing YOU coaching offerings might be your next step.

This is a space for deep inquiry, integration, and transformation — where we invite curiosity to become clarity and insight to alchemize into action.

Curious? Let’s explore together: ⁠https://www.ckoesterinspired.com/coaching-offerings⁠

Key Topics Discussed:

0:00:00 Intro

0:05:43 Recognizing and honoring our "no"

0:11:21 The process of realizing and expressing boundaries

0:16:28 Learning to trust oneself without external validation

0:21:36 Anxiety and fear in honoring personal boundaries

0:26:16 Navigating personal storytelling


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Things I Genuinely Love — Affiliate & Community Spotlights:

  • ✨ Disobedient Goods & Apparel: offers judgment-free sticker tools for self-guided practice, discovery, and mapping — designed to spark curiosity, connection, and a deeper understanding of the paths we walk. Explore the collection at www.disobedientgoods.com and use code LIVINGTHEQUESTIONS15 for 15% off your entire order.

  • ❤️ Nisha Mody Coaching: Nisha provides short- and long-term coaching to help people who were taught to meet everyone else’s needs except their own to stop keeping themselves small (and be in their fullest expression!) Want a free coaching session? Email Nisha at nisha@nishaland.com, mention this podcast, and she'll give you a free coaching session until June 24th, 2025.

  • 🤍 FOND Bone Broth: my personal FAVORITE for nourishing, gut-loving bone broth that’s as comforting as it is healing! Use code: COURTNEY-KOESTER for 10% off at https://fondbonebroth.com/COURTNEY-KOESTER

  • ☕️ Living Tea: my go-to source for wild and organic Teas, along with amazing Tea education to deepen your practice! Use code: CKOESTERINSPIRED for 15% off at https://lddy.no/1i326

  • ⭕️ Circle Community: A beautiful, all-in-one location for your community to gather, remain connected, attend workshops, join memberships, etc. Love an aesthetically pleasing and easy-to-organize digital community space. Explore more here: https://try.circle.so/8amtv3uilqpo


Ep 1 | How Do We Respect Our Needs While Loving Others Deeply?