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Sip and See: Exploring Energy Through Tea Ceremony and Aura Photography

  • Point Pleasant Beach, NJ (map)

Join Courtney & Sedona for Tea & Aura Photography 🌿✨

On April 5th, we invite you to experience a unique afternoon blending aura photography with the sacred practice of Tea. This gathering offers a special opportunity to reconnect with your heart and witness the shifts in your energy. Together, we’ll begin by capturing your aura before the Tea ceremony, followed by a grounding Tea ritual, and then another aura photo to see how your energy has transformed.

Through this practice, we’ll explore the profound connection between our energy, our hearts, and the space we share with one another. This afternoon is a chance to reflect, honor the changes within, and celebrate the beauty of shared moments in an intimate, nurturing space.

Whether you come solo, with a friend, or a loved one, you are warmly invited to rest in stillness, sip in reverence, and witness the transformation within.


We will begin with your first aura photo, capturing the energy surrounding you before the tea ceremony. This gives us a glimpse of your current energetic state, setting the intention for the transformation that follows.


Next, we will settle into a Sacred Tea Ceremony — a grounding and reflective ritual designed to slow down the pace of life and invite us into deep presence. The Tea we’ll share is wild and organic, directly sourced from the plant and prepared with care, creating an additional layer of connection and community within the gathering. Through the Tea, we’ll honor nature’s wisdom and the energy it brings to our own beings.


Following the Tea ceremony, we will capture a second aura photo, giving you a visual representation of the energetic shifts that have occurred. This moment invites you to witness the changes in your aura and reflect on how the Tea and the ceremony have influenced your energy.


Finally, we will create space for conversation and connection, inviting you to reflect on your experience and share with others. Together, we’ll deepen our connection to ourselves, each other, and the energy we create in this shared space.

Learn more + save your seat here.

March 18

Tea Tuesdays | A Winter Ritual | March 18th